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Ocular Melanoma is a rare type of cancer that develops in the eye. This type of eye cancer may occur in the front of the eye (on the outermost layer) and can affect the eye socket and the eyelid. Ocular melanoma is commonly abbreviated as ‘OM’. It is a dangerous kind of tumour that can spread and really be fatal. It commonly targets people above the age of 55.


The symptoms of this disease include: Vision problems. Blurred view. Spots or dark patches in the eye.DFDAFF


The primary cause of ocular melanoma is unclear. It could be caused by a rare disorder known as primary acquired melanosis, which causes dark, brown and black marks on the conjunctiva.


In its initial stages, the doctor will prescribe eye drops to help ease out the symptoms. , the means to diagnose include: ... Biopsy Ultrasound


A combination of more than two therapies is necessary to ascertain the size of the tumour, eyesight, and overall condition of the patient. , the treatment may consist of: .. Cryotherapy After skin excision, it is the second important procedure, for the treatment of a variety of benign and malignant lesions. Normal surgery Surgery is another way to remove the tumour. Radiotherapy This technique is used to treat the tumours effectively, while only causing little damage to the surrounding healthy eye tissue. Chemotherapy eye drops It is used around the chemotherapy procedure. These eye drops are will restore your vision to a normal state.


Ocular melanoma can be prevented by taking certain measures, such as: Limiting exposure to UV rays. Exercising regularly. Reducing stress. Following a proper diet.

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